Some place nice to get stuck in....

Friday, March 18, 2016

Today is our 21st anniversary of our first date!  We didn't have many dates before we were married so we celebrate this day!

Back on the 5th of the month, Tom decided it was time to buy a new car. 
Well, new to us.  The chevy is really getting bad, but not bad enough he can't fix it.  The thing is, we would be without an extra vehicle if he takes it in to work on it.  It would take more than a day or two.
So he has been going on and on about a bigger car.  That's o.k.  I want the room.  I hate trying to squeeze into the small car now.   I don't go that much or that far so a bigger car won't be that bad.   Hmm....but a 1998 Lincoln Town Car?  Ha!
It needs to have the back tail lights  wired, newer tires, and some body work around the front tires.   And it was a steal.  $250.   Well, no car payment anyway.
Wouldn't you know that without it being inspected, it was in Millcreek that we were pulled over.  No big deal, we knew we were o.k.  It's just that now we have a 10 day deadline to make sure it passes inspection.   We are going to take Jess' old tires and put them on this car when she goes in this week to buy new ones.   Tom knows he can do the other work pretty easily. At least we got it home.

Yesterday was so nice that I started moving the dirt pile that was left out front all winter long.
  Jess had it delivered last May for the barn, but no one had time to move it.  I finally took the wheelbarrow and moved dirt 12 loads at a time, meaning each dog that ran was out while I moved the dirt.   It built up the barn floor quite well, but I can hardly move.   There is still so much left.

 I would like to work on the goat side next but there is a lot of stuff to move and Tom has to take down the wall.  It will be all open then. In the meantime, it is easier to get to the hay and hang the feedbags up.  I went to doing that because the horses seem to not waste as much hay.  Also, if it is a little dusty from being upstairs, it falls to the ground and their noses are blowing it around.

I did some baking too. Had to do that bread!   I had extra dough and was tired of making food, so I tried my hand at homemade hot pockets.   Good to have in the freezer for a quick meal.  One was beef, peppers,  and cheese, the other chicken, cheese, and broccoli.

The other snack brought to me by the cats, not so yummy.
Tom and I took a drive out to where the boat will be.   It doesn't take long, but it sure was to cold to be outside!
It's in a nice tucked in part of the water.  To the right is a small pond you can fish in if you don't want to go out in the boat.  Jake said he has caught blue gill there.

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